How to make a Cloudy Pumpkin for Halloween

Here at Unbound Creations, we believe in the Cult of the Cloud, so naturally we spent our weekend carving an offering - The Pumpkin Cloud! And you, too, can carve one - for a mere $10 or less! Here's our recipe (WITHOUT 5 pages of personal life stories, what a treat).

What you'll need

  • Pumpkin
  • X-Acto Knife or Regular Knife
  • Spoon
  • One Marker Boi
  • Candle
  • Some household cleaner + rag/sponge
  • OPTIONAL: a really cool significant other to do all the carving for you while you show them your favorite K-Pop tracks

The Recipe

1. Go into a field and find yourself a nice Pumpkin

2. Use KNIFE to cut the Pumpkin's top off, and pull it out!

3. Use SPOON to scrape all the inside gooey bits. 

(PRO TIP: You can separate the seeds and dry + roast them in the oven for some yummy snack! But don't eat too much at once...)

4. Use MARKER to draw your design. Don't worry, you can cheat by printing it out and tracing it! Nobody will know, not even Mom!

(Here's a Link to the Official Cloudy Image©℗®™ for reference)

5. Now comes the tricky bit. Use KNIFE to scrape out the insides of all the shapes, leaving the outlines sticking out. You want to cut fairly deep to make the Pumpkin thin enough to see light thru, but not completely see-through. 

PRO TIP: We didn't have an X-Acto Knife, but my regular Knife had a slightly bent tip due to [REDACTED]. The bent tip actually made it easier to peel off and scrape pieces. 

When you are done you should have something like this:

6. Use a wipe or cleaning detergent to rub off the remaining marker 

7. OPTIONAL: You can also use KNIFE to cut out the back, which will make it easier to insert candle.

8: Insert lit CANDLE and turn off the lights....


Now go find a nice home for Cloudy Pumpkin, perhaps your porch, perhaps your bathtub, we're not here to tell you how to live your life, go wild and rain your heart's out!

p.s. Many of you have asked - Jakub, why do you capitalize Pumpkin? My answer: yes

Get Rain on Your Parade Prologue

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